its really alot more than these two issues, these just kinda pushed me over the edge.
and i totally agree there is always someone faster. better funded. and meaner.
heres a story for you all who dont go to the races.
everyone gather round.
so i had just got my impala finished and was cruising out to the races for a little show and shine ;P. it was about two weeks before hot august nights, and there were starting to be more and more people every week. it was a fairly large turnout. id say about 50 peeps. back then ( about 8 years ago ) that was kind of alot. we all changed spots as per usual and wound up at spice island drive. we watched a few lethargic escorts trying to get tough, and of course the odd honda with melon launcher. then as if everyone sensed a disturbance in the force, a large hush fell over everyone, as we watched a new comer pulling up.
the new comer was a giant flatbed truck with a primer cream camaro on board. he didnt say anything just parked right in the dam middle of the road. he got out slowly cause he knew all eyes were on him. probably part of the excitement for him. he backed his car off the truck by letting it roll off. he never bothered to start it. he walked up to someone near him, and asked who was fastest. they all pointed to me (sad cause the impala only ran 13's at best) and i declined to race. he then asked a bike and a few others but noone wanted to play. he pulled his truck off the side of the road with the maro sitting dead as a doornail in the middle of the road. he grabbed out his gas tank from the truck and proceeded to fill his car with some kind of nasty race mix. and i mean NASTY it ruined the air all around the car. smelled much like a funny car. after he filled the gas tank he popped the trunk and flipped out a parachute, he connected the parachute underneath the car for what seemed like an eternity. he lifted himself off the ground and made his final trip to the truck. and came back with something i had never seen in person. he popped the hood and flipped a few switches inside. then proceeded to walk around the front of the car and lift the hood. noone really got a good look, but when he attached his starting device, and fired her up we all knew it was something, NONE of us would forget. the second it fired three or four car alarms went off. it would Barely idle, and i mean barely. he threw the starting assembly off the car and hauled ass around to get in. he fired a few more switches purged his line. and let her rip. the burnout must have been a full 1/8 mile. on street tires. lol. he pulled around and set up for a real run. from behind that car it seemed like it wanted to tear the asphault clean off the ground. it still stands to this day as the fastest run i have ever seen in person. (i have seen 7 second runs and 6 second bikes) the chute fired he pulled around right back up on the truck. disconnected the chute, and threw it in car. he drove off with a smile.
all nevada plates, just some garage sleeper that came out for a quick flog. i never saw him again.
"In order for me to get busy at maximum efficiency, i need a girl with a big 400 ton booty."
Last edited by dayofpain; 2005-06-30 at 11:55 PM.