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Old 2005-07-15, 04:20 PM   #18
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by dayofpain
hell yeah brother, however still is fraud.
Well, not necessarily. I would say that in the case of intake testing, or ground cable testing, or testing of any other small upgrade, you can always get a "legitimate" run or two that shows a gain with no intentional tweaking of the system, especially with the way Subarus are. One vendor in particular was testing a kit with a large turbo on a client car. The car was making the expected power (about 340 to the wheels) on race gas during tuning. They continued to do runs and make tweaks and after a while, power started inexplicably climbing... 350... 360.. 370... eventually hitting 380 to the wheels! Turned out the fuel pump was going bad, and the car was making power as AFRs got dangerously lean. 40 extra horses through no action of the dyno operator.
FWD is the new AWD
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