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Old 2005-08-11, 02:40 PM   #24
Wagon Ho #2
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Originally Posted by cody
Yah, you may be right. That's why I never lend my car to anyone ever. I see what you're getting at, but the fact remains, I've spoken with two people who have been along for road tuning sessions with him and they had nothing but good things to say. I'm honestly not too worried about this same thing happening to my car. Call me stupid...
Not to be a jerk, but IMO, going to that guy is stupid. Dont forget that while you're illegally driving your vehicle on a public street (and not even 65 in a 60 illegal, 100+ illegal), you'll be adding some pretty serious wear and tear in addition to likely a lot of miles and a tank of gas on top of the "tune" price.

The guy with the Legacy put over 200 miles on his car while him and Ed were "tuning" the car. I'd rather someone put my car up on a dyno, controlled environment, no bumps to bang in to at 100+ and not have to worry about all the bullshit that goes along with road tuning.
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