Thread: The leftovers
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Old 2005-08-17, 06:37 AM   #16
MPREZIV's Avatar
Real Name: Le Stig Afrique?
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: sitting next to a big yellow box
Posts: 3,589
Car: 2001 Impreza 2.5 RS
Class: 05 TDSP
No, I won't work on your car. F* your car

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Oh yeah- saw MPREZIV's RS parked outside Summit today. My route goes by there first thing. Whatcha get there?
Nothing great! I got some fender flares for my Pop's truck. Did a Cad. Escalade front end conversion on a 93 chevy 4x4, lift and new tires and rims, and needed to add some more fender to keep from throwing too much crap from the Interco tires onto the new paint! Ha Ha!

If that Cusco bar will work with the stock mounts, as my car is lowered, that's cool with me. I'm taking your word here though! I'll let you guys know what's up with that other deal I had going, and if it wasn't as great as it seemed, we def. have a deal!
"...these condoms have a topical anesthetic to reduce sensitivity, so you can last longer. What a paradox. You can't feel a thing, but you can f*ck for HOURS..."
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