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Old 2003-08-05, 08:28 PM   #12
El Matador
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Yeah, I was the treasurer of my Jeep club, its really not hard, all we have to do is go to the IRS building on Moana, get the proper form to apply for a nonprofit group status, we will get a tax id #, then we can go open a checking account under seccs. Norwest bank (now wells fargo) hooked (my jeep club) us up with a free checking account since we were non profit, all we had to pay for was checks and overdraft fees if any. The account needs to have two names on it, like a president and treasurer or something along those lines, that way more than one person can write checks if needed. I'm sure we could find a bank that would give us a free checking account. I have a favor I could cash in now that I think about it. We should explore this some more for sure. It really is nice to write and cash checks as the club name.
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