I spent 5 years in the Army. I was a Korean linguist and radio voice interceptor/analyst - I spent my days/nights/midnights/16 hour shifts/whatever either tethered to a computer by a set of headphones or working as an intelligence translator and liaison supervisor for various higher-echelon exercises around Korea. I wasn't a total intel weenie, though - I had to volunteer for our unit's perimiter defense team to get my fill of mud crawling and urban ops.
I went through Basic at good ol' Fort Lost-in-the-woods, Misery (Ft. Leonardwood, MO), then got to spend a fantastic year and a half attending the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. My intense hatred for Texas comes from the five months I was there for technical training before flying off to Korea. I was expecting to finish a year's tour and then get shipped to a remote unit in Hawaii or some-such, but I met a cute preschool teacher in Seoul by chance and extended my tour to three years. I worked with some pretty cool people there, both American and Korean, and the old-timer status I had garnered by the time I left was fairly convenient.
Good times.