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Old 2005-11-14, 02:04 PM   #6
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by MattR
What would you estimate the cost of that B52 to be? Or time to build? Damn that thing is sweet.
I'd guess the plane probably cost around $10,000.... but the time would have been astronomical... 10-20,000 hours maybe? Probably like 5 years of nights and weekends. I'm sure there's a website about the build out there somewhere.

People don't build planes like that w/o being nearly certifiable. And I bet the owner(s) will salvage what they can (motors & radio equipment tend to survive wrecks surprisingly well) and will start rebuilding it the weekend after the crash.

One thing to note about the crash... it looked FAR too windy to be flying that thing... Since it's a scale airframe, it's not going to perform too much better than the real-deal. Sure the real B52 is a great stable platform, but a 1/6 scale plane means a 40 mph wind gust is like a 240 mph gust for the real plane! I'm pretty sure a real B52 making a high bank turn near stall speed getting hit by a 240 mph tail wind would skid into the ground as well.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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