Originally Posted by Vwflat4driver
the turbine engines run about $2500 each he must have had atleast 4 possibly eight judging by the enging pod size. $10,000 is low balling materials alone would have cost over $1000 plus his radio if you wanna include it would have been $6-700 easy!!! just all a guess for me and what i used to sell anyways..
Wow, I had no idea the turbines are so expensive!! I figured $2000-$3000 would get you 4 engines. Plus $1000-$2000 for the radio equipment, and $1000 for materials. That left about $4000 for all the odds and ends needed, like wheels and fuel tanks, etc.
But if the motor's are as expensive as you say... that guy could have been racing a WRX for cheaper than that plane!