Thread: BRONZE!!!!!!!
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Old 2005-11-17, 06:57 PM   #13
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"Kids are ruining autocross."

Originally Posted by M3n2c3
Yeah, I'll bring my camera tomorrow night.

Can't wait to see 'em.
Sigh. Scratch that. I'm not gonna make it tonight. Between getting up at 6AM to get my wife to work and the 6 days/wk and odd 12-14hr shifts I'm having to work to get my store ready for the XB360 launch and Black Friday (in the same freakin week, no less), I'm all tuckered out. I was in Reno all day today for a meeting, and hit the mall to burn some time inbetween that and the Bully's meet, but come 6PM I was about ready to pass out.
Small red text that looks curious at first glance but is ultimately inconsequential
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