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Old 2005-11-26, 05:46 AM   #46
The Doink
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The way out is through


Insomnia can have benifits... behold the latest revision of the 2006 hoodie design!

I'm pretty sick of looking at it and playing with colors, to the point that I've got no clue what looks decent anymore, so input on colors and basic layout stuff is appreciated.

The pistons go on the front breast pocket area, the 22B is on the back, and the turbo/logo is on the sleeve. The SECCS logos aren't intended to be in all 3 locations, it'll probably stick around only on the sleeve, but they're in all 3 locations for now. Also, the I'm not sure if the extra grid lines should stay or not.
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Name:	2006-SECCS-Hoodie-v2-Back.jpg
Views:	398
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ID:	2819  

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Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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