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Old 2005-12-23, 10:16 PM   #3
Ezdno's Avatar
Real Name: Dean W.
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: So close to hell you can see Sparks!
Posts: 541
Car: 1992 F250 1T Monster
Class: none
They were all dead when I got here!

Sorry to hear your stuck in Winnemucca.....things could be worse, you could be stuck or lost in the toy isle at Walmart!! We are awaiting the arrival of the rest of the famdamily, sometime tomorrow. One more half day at work, then a quick work related drinking and eating fest at Legends. Thank god I am done shopping! We will spend the evening wrapping what will eventually take 3 minutes to unwrap. Watch some new movies, play some new games, eat too much food and drink too much holiday cheer. Spend some grueling time with the rest of the family, and pay the bill.

Some how it seems so there any room in Winnemucca?

Merry Christmas!!! Drive careful on the way home!
Don't interupt me while I am ignoring you!
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