I just want to be street legal. I don't care about staying within a class boundry for autocross. Although you can bet your sweet ass I will be having fun running some laps ^_^ just wont be in competition(well for now anyway).
As far as the supercharger kit goes...this is just the beggining. I will be dedicating a lot of time and money into this project. The SVX is truly one of my dream vehicles and I plan on keeping it for the rest of my life. My goal is to keep the luxury aspects of the car and take them to a new level(this will be the end of the project).
My current focus is getting some serious hp out of the car while taking off a lot of weight. With the supercharger kit I am well on my way...it should be taking me to 400 hp range. Unfortunantly the craptacular transmission that's in the SVX will suck away roughly 30 percent of that before it hits the wheels =(. As of now I don't know what I am going to do about the tranny but I do know I want to keep it awd. In the end I want to be running sub 12's in the 1/4 while keeping the SVX the way it was meant to be...a touring car. And keeping a touring car means I want to be able to go through the twisties real quick like

As far as suspension and brakes go...well I have a set of brembo rotors and some stainless lines in my garage waiting to go on(thank god i didnt put them on my other svx yet). The suspension...well there is a really nice kit from japan for 2900 o_O. But I will probably go with koni struts and some custom springs unless I see something more affordable and with better performance.
And the back of my car wont always be stripped down to metal...but it will forever now be a 2 seater. I don't know what all I am going to do to interior wise...And I am leaving a ton out on all the sections but I don't want to go on anymore...this already too long of a post lol.