Thread: GT4 Challenge
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Old 2006-01-16, 10:22 AM   #146
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by M3n2c3
I don't feel quite so bad about my time, then.

Man, if I had any place to mount it, I'd have one of those Logitech GT4 wheels already. I do ok with a controller, but the range of motion on the thumbstick is too short to steer with any real accuracy. When I watch your replay, it's obviously much smoother than mine.

That's the main trouble I'm having with turns 2 and 3a - I know where I want to be going, but I can't make my thumbs do it.
Something that helps with 2:

Try to stay wide out of one then cut it back in towards the burm on the left up the hill, kinda like I did in my recorded lap, but even moreso. The idea is to get a really straight run up the left side of the hill so you can brake in a straight line, then turn right over 2, rather than the whole brake while turning left up the hill, then throw it right manuver. 2's hard enough because it's a blind apex, you might as well make the braking/turn-in a little easier.

The same goes for 3/3a. Although the hill isn't as fast or as long, it's still a very similar turn. Also be careful of the curbs in 3/3a... you can clip them, but if you hit 'em hard, you're gonna be in the grass.

Also, even though you can go flat out up the hill after 1 and at 3, it's okay to give up a little speed there, since exiting the next turn is far more important than carrying speed up the hills.

And just like driving in real life, it's a huge advantage if you can imagine the track up ahead. You know what the road looks like over the hill, try to imagine it one corner ahead and let your brain automatically drive the car there, rather than just looking at the 6 feet in front of the car that you can see and try to react.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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