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Old 2006-01-21, 01:20 AM   #7
The Doink
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Originally Posted by dknv
Oh sure! Did you learn all those on that cruise last year?
No, I'm good at answering multiple choice questions w/o knowing the material. (Especially in math... everyone knows how *terrible* I am at even basic arithmatic, yet I scored like a 720 on my Math SAT test.)

It's just a matter of recognizing which answer is the most plausible... usually by understanding the point of the test, and the point of the multiple choices. On a 3 choice test, there's usually a right answer, an absurd answer, and a too obvious answer. Tossing the absurd answer is usually easiest, then eliminating the answer that's in there to nail the person that's not paying attention is usually pretty easy.

Then you have to realize that every now and then one of the questions is a "trick" question that intentionally makes the right answer look absurd, or asks a question whos answer actually is obvious. Usually you can see those because two of the answers look like each other.

I only missed the fish question because I tossed out the boat answer as too absurd, not thinking about what it really could mean.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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