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Old 2006-01-24, 02:45 PM   #1
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Default The Sacramento Zoo - what a joke...

Perhaps my memory is clouded by youthful stupidity as opposed to the middle aged stupidity it is currently being clouded by. It is even possible that I was spoiled by the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park and the now long gone Lion Country Safari as a child. But one would think that the state capital would be able to put forth a better product that the crapshack it has.

The wife and I went there on Saturday expecting to kill some time and got about 2 hours worth of "look at that animal doing nothing" or "look at that monkey crapping in his hand and throwing it at people". The latter may have been more interesting if not for a thick slab of plexiglass between the monkeys and the poor Japanese tourists that could not afford to go to a real city with a real zoo.

The day was not a total loss, since most of the public apparently already knows that the Sacramento Zoo is a joke I was able to get an unobstructed view in order to get some pictures...

The rest can be found here if anyone gives a crap:

Last edited by DZ; 2006-01-24 at 02:48 PM.
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