Originally Posted by cody
Right, but if we said you could only pick cars and tracks easily attainable when you're 25% through the game and with only the A and B licenses, it would be possible for people to quickly beat whatever event is necessary to unlock that car/track. Yes, no?
You're missing the point... 25% is not the same for everyone. I'm at like 60% (IIRC), but I have virtually zero rally cars, because I don't play the rally side of the game much. So just because I'm way further in the game than you doesn't mean you can't easily pick something that's gonna take me 10 hours of driving to get.
I think we're actually over analyzing this... I think the 48 hour rule will be fine... start a challenge, chances are people will have the car... if you don't and you can't get it easily, then you have 48 hours to get the challenger to change it to something else. The whole point is to have fun and competition, picking a car that no one has isn't fun... Plus I don't think this will be a regular problem.