Thread: GT4 Challenge
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Old 2006-02-03, 11:13 AM   #397
The Doink
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Originally Posted by cody
I don't think I missed any point. I was just going by the last night's scenario where if I had 25% completion, I could have simply started an endurance race and been good to go with the existing challenge. If sombody makes a rally challenge (which I probably will do if I ever win ) that requires you to unlock a certain car, couldn't you just beat the required event fairly quickly?
Maybe, maybe not... if I need a fast rally car to win the necessary event, then I'd probably have to win not just the one race, but several.

Or, more generally, if the car someone picks is a prize car for an endurance race or a long series, then even having gone far in the game, it may not be possible to "easily" win the car for the challenge... that's the mistake I made in picking the R92CP... it's an endurance race car.

Not only do you have to get to 25% to get to the endurance races, you also have to win a 4 hour race! Since I intend to beat the game w/o ever using B-spec mode, having to win a 24 hour race (for and extreme example) just to compete in the SECCS challenge doesn't seem reasonable.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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