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Old 2006-02-09, 12:20 AM   #17
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Real Name: Jeremiah
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"Kids are ruining autocross."

I don't think Matt's being brutal. That guy deserved every agonizing second that he may have been conscious while getting tossed about like that. Driving like a complete idiot, passing on a narrow shoulder, speeding (if you look closely, he's already driving faster on the on-ramp than the cars on the highway), putting others' lives at risk. . . Imagine that the sedan that he hit is actually your Subaru. You're driving, and you have your wife and kids in the car with you. Is the danger this asshole put them in worth him getting to Wal-mart five minutes faster? Far better that this guy gets spilled than an innocent.

Aside from that, it looks to me like he jammed on the brakes as soon as the first collision occurred. That's where he starts leaving tracks on the road. The roll is set in motion when he passes over the median curb.
Small red text that looks curious at first glance but is ultimately inconsequential
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