Thread: GT4 Challenge
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Old 2006-02-09, 10:47 PM   #544
The Doink
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The way out is through

Everyone keeps asking what the wheel guys are running with the controller... frankly, you're not gonna get an answer... if you're used to the wheel you won't ever bother going back to the controller. It's like long time skiiers that try to take up snowboarding... why waste a day on the mountain falling on your butt when you could be flying down the hill on skis.

If you're waiting for my times with the controller vs. the wheel to help you decided if a wheel is worth it, you're wasting your time. Figure 1 second slower for every 10 seconds per lap... I hate the controller for driving games, and haven't used one since 1998. I *suck* with the controller. So I guess you should just go get one 'cause you'll be 12 seconds a lap faster, right?
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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