Thread: GT4 Challenge
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Old 2006-02-10, 10:06 AM   #551
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Real Name: Dean W.
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They were all dead when I got here!

Well I am not beating myself up for those slow times, I have only ran like 8 total races so far, and most of those were two lappers. I did however win a 2 lap race in the dirt with a mitsubishi!!!! 4 pts baby! I have not played a video game of any kind since probably 96 or 97 well maybe an original zelda or something but nothing like this.

I didnt expect Scott to jump back on his controller, but I did want to get some sort of baseline as to the difference between the two. After about 20 laps of the controller, and learning that when you tires are red, you need to PIT! I did start to get the turns down, even figured the hairpin out on the last 5 laps or so. I dont have alot of time to play it but I am anxious to get my wheel. And that is a smoking time Bem with a controller.
Don't interupt me while I am ignoring you!
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