Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
I'd be better then everyone if did steroids too. Well that is, if I was any good at baseball in the first place.
Hate to break the news to ya, but steroids doesn't help your hand/eye coordination.
Barry Bonds isn't a great hitter because of the (alleged) steroids. That guy is plain and simply the best hitter in the history of the game. At his peak, you simply could not throw a pitch to him within 2 inches of the strike zone w/o a 90% chance of it floating in the ocean. Unlike McGwire who got a lot of homeruns because he simply swings the bat so hard (aka pop-up homers), Barry has a history of knocking the bejesus out of the center of the ball... that's all about coordination and vision.
Argue all you want about whether or not he juiced, but realize that his hitting prowess is wholely a result of his ability to see the ball, and put the bat on it, two skills that steroids would more than likely hurt than help.