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Old 2006-03-09, 09:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 35
Default I killed my STi.

I'd get angry, but I'm the only one to blame.
And anyway, no likes an angry drunk.

Driving (approx 30-35 mph) home last night on SB HWY 49, just South of Auburn, I had an encounter with a mountian.
Well, part of a mountain anyways.

I shant bore you with the details, but here's what I learned:

-AWD doesn't mean dick if the wheels aren't on the ground.
-AWD will not make up for driving skill, or rather, the lack there of.
-Mountains always win. Always.
-While cars can be repaired/replaced, the Frail Male Ego cannot.

Pictures of the carnage
I make cars go fast & got the tickets to prove it.
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