Just an aside when looking at brakes, I really wasn't impressed with the billet Dynalite setup I had on my car. If their new caliper is considerably beefier and has a smaller required fluid volume, it'd be worht checking out, but the Wilwood 4pots I had were underwhelming on a 3100 pound AT car, let alone a 3500 pound one; especially if you're going to revamp the braking system to remove ABS, I'd be leery just becuase the feel was so crappy and would be difficult to modulate at the limit (I just had to mash them to the floor to combat the flex and higher fluid volume and rely on the ABS to sort it out

Again, just my experience, but I'd never buy Wilwoods again for a number of reasons, including the caliper fnish (horrible, they turned purple on a street car with no wheel cleaners ever used) and the lack of any weather sealing whatsover; if you're running a car year-round, I'd really try to find a caliper setup with at least rudimentary dust seals.
I know it's tough to find stuff for SVX's, it might be worth looking into an '05/'06 STi front setup if it will work (I don't know how the hardpoints and offsets on the front hubs differ)