Originally Posted by M3n2c3
I'm also sick of the over-abundance of ridiculous adolescent bullshit drama in a lot of the Japanese entertainment we see these days. I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game since #6 on the SNES, because the character interaction in every title since has been trite nonsense geared towards getting 16 year old kids to buy the games.
Awwwww. No FFVII?! ::crycry::
J/K - I do anything up to 7.
Cowboy Bebop's side episodes can be a little silly, but on the whole it was a more mature series, which is partly why I liked it so much. There's way more 'tween silliness in NGE than there is in Bebop, not even counting that the characters in it are in that age group.
Though I do have to disagree about the plot in Samurai Champloo being more in depth than Bebop.
IMHO, they hardly developed the characters in Champloo whereas the whole storyline and nearly all of the episodes in CB revolve around events in the characters' pasts. A good number of the episodes reflect this, and are entirely devoted to it, you're nowhere near in the dark about any of the info.
Anyhow, I just felt that with SC, it was quick and dirty. Kinda vapid to me, but that's just me..