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Old 2006-04-19, 02:53 PM   #4
El Matador
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Yeah, it was me, I don't drive for Fundis, but that doesn't matter. I appreciate your apology and accept it. I shouldn't have followed you to your work, that wasn't very professional, but two run-ins in a day and I was hot. (I was heading right over there). I too am sorry for losing my temper.

I assure you I was signaling, the timing could have been such that you didn't see it, stuff happens,regardless, I wished that you had cut me a little slack, as my truck and others are very slow to get over that hill. You were likely invisible to me until you came by on the left. Usually, people just blast up the right side there anyway. We can share the fault there.

The pass on Nugget is what bothers me. I'm not really mad about it, but just disappointed that people choose to take chances for an extra 30 seconds of time. Have you seen how many vehicles cross that street? I know it was clear then, but there have been a lot of run-under accidents on that street, where cars end up surprised by a crossing truck, or a bicyclist and/ or pedestrian dodging traffic as there is no sidewalk. As far as I'm concerened, it is never okay to do what you did there, but that is your choice, and there's no need for a lecture.

I am surprised you recognized me from the board, honestly, but that's how I new your name. There just aren't a lot of MR's around.

I'm over it.
"Dallas..We have a problem.”
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