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Old 2006-04-25, 09:37 AM   #9
The Don
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Originally Posted by JoelK
I wasn't planning on coming to the meet, but if I can sell enough stuff to make the drive worth it, then yes, I'll be there. The response so far has been pretty positive so it's looking probable.

I figure $20 for the 300 VA (It might actually be a 350VA; I'd have to dig it out) and $35 for the 500VA. If you buy both, I'll throw in a 500VA APC BackUPS Pro with 5-7 outlets, but it has a dead battery. If you want it, that is.
Well, I'm in Sacramento anyways, so there's neither a rush or a reason to hit the meet for me. I'll take both of them and the dead one, I'll see if I can dig up a battery somewhere.
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