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Old 2006-04-30, 12:49 PM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Truckee
Posts: 16
Car: '03 WRX sedan, silver, wingless
Class: Interested in starting
People are too critical of each other

Originally Posted by bruspeed
Adding a front and rear sway bar may not be the best way to go for curing you're (everyone with a Subaru) understeering problem. The car will be a little more flat under cornering, but having just a rear sway will make the car rotate a million times better. I have a Perring adj. sway, endlinks and mounts bought it used for like $120 dollars or something, works perfect. I would suggest the whole package, eliminate any weak links. Browse here, I-club, NASIOC, any Subaru site, and look for people selling used sways, and other items of interest.

p.s. If you're still on RE92's buy something else. 17x7.5 or 17x8 rims, and you're choice on tire size, Everyone seemes to like 235/40/17.
Good info... Based on your suggestion I'll probably start with rear bar first, spend some time with that, then add front once I know what I'm working with.

And for wheels... I've got 17x17.5's on the way, and 225/45/17's on order. Through searching, I found that 235's are a bit of a stretch for 7.5's (?)

And thanks for being patient with my not searching on the swaybar thing first... partially laziness, but mostly trying to connect with people as a newbie here. And as mentioned... probably belongs in technical - sorry about that.
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