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Old 2006-05-04, 10:50 AM   #24
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by A1337STI
The problem is you need to lighten up . I am dead searious i will buy your copy off of you if you are unable to return it to the store you bought it from.
Please. You call this being "dead serious"?

I completly agree, worst game ever. Hey if you can't return yours may I buy your copy off you for like $5 or something? pretty good deal for the worst game ever IMO
I (and every other litterate person on the planet) call that sarcasm. And there are only two purposes for sarcasm; insult and humor. Given our past "issues" in this area, you should know better than to think you can joke around with me.

Originally Posted by A1337STI
I'm just saying i like a game. Asking others to join in on the fun , and you HAVE tell me how horrible it is and that i must not notice how bad the game is. (which implies that i just don't notice the horrible steering input) . so insead of keeping up the argument i agree and offer to buy your copy. and you STILL find a way to be offended. If me agreeing with you, and offering to buy a game off you that you admit you don't like offends you more. Good, deal with life and then move on.
I don't know why you don't notice the horrible input handling. I noticed it the very 1st time I turned the wheel on nKoan's copy of the demo. I got my copy hoping it was an issue with the demo code that would be fixed in the release. It wasn't. I played with every setting imaginable. I hacked config files. I followed every tip from the thousands of people online that were trying to figure out how to make this crappy game playable. It's a known problem. Hell, if I had access to the source code I could fix in in a weekend, I've actually written the wheel input handling code the should have used like 6 years ago. The bottom line is, the game is frustrating to play and most of the people on SECCS have tried it and agree, therefore you're going to have a hard fucking time finding people to compete in a Toca 3 challenge.

Originally Posted by A1337STI
You are going to die from stress if you take every little thing in life so damn seariously. I apologized for being a dick when i was one. Now its your turn.
Unfortunately I'm not sorry for being a dick. Frankly I've got plenty of friends on this board, I'm not interested in fostering a relationship with someone that doesn't have enough common sense to know when to tread lightly, and instead reopens an issue that was for all intents and purposes dead, only for the simple reason to insult me. You're lucky all I'm doing is being a dick, and not banning your smart-ass for trolling.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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