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Old 2003-10-23, 09:53 AM   #4
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I found the following on the Las Vegas PD website - thought it was enlightening (especially that you don't need to wait 72 hours before reporting a person missing):
Thousands of American's are reported missing each year in the United States. Here in Las Vegas, an average of 5-7 adult persons are reported missing each day, and more than 200 a month.

Myths still prevail that you must wait up to 72 hours before reporting any person missing. The fact is, there is no waiting period to report a person missing to police. There are also myths that all adult missing persons are the victims of kidnaping, murders or some other criminal act.

The fact is that the vast majority of reported missing persons are found or voluntarily return home within 48-72 hours after being reported.

There are many reasons why a person voluntarily disappears including mental illness, depression, substance abuse, credit problems, abusive relationships, marital discord, and "foul play." The fact is, being a voluntary missing person is not a crime. Any adult person can simply walk away, and choose to ignore family, friends, associates and employers. Because this behavior is not a crime, law enforcement is limited on how they conduct these type investigations. When facts and circumstances indicate a strong possibility of foul play or the disappearance is the result of a criminal act, police will investigate
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