Thread: MBC + ProTune
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Old 2006-05-24, 10:04 PM   #1
Candy Mountain
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Originally Posted by cody
I have a custom tune. MBC's are bad on a stock ECU, but a good MBC should really help my boost response and isn't dangerous with a tuned map. Ed suggested it and assured me there's no need for a retune.

Thanks for the info.
Originally Posted by sperry
Well shit, with logic like that, you should just reflash back to stock and run the MBC and UniChip I've got rolling around in my workbench drawer. I'll sell it to ya for only $50!

Think of it this way: if you install a MBC and set it to say 15 psi, sure you'll run right up to 15 psi in 1st and 2nd gear as soon as possible, and you'll avoid some of that boost wobble due to the factory EBC, but you're not going to be able to taper boost at high rpms. If you think you can run a stock turbo at 15 psi at 6500 rpm in 4th gear down the backstraight at RFR all day long, I've got a 2.0L shortblock in my garage I'll sell you, 'cause you'll need it. So, you're going to have to set the MBC to say 13 psi. Granted you'll have a nice rock solid 13 psi all day in every gear (well until the weather changes and you're under the hood w/ an allen wrench), but I'd rather have that 15.5 psi when it's safe and the taper to 13 psi on the top end making sure my motor will last.

If MBC's were so great, I'm pretty sure Subaru would have put one on the car to begin with 'cause they're about 1/50th the cost of the EBC.
As per Ed's reccomendation, I'm now running a Hallman Pro RX Kit MBC (he runs one too). Boost tapers as it should. Spoolup and response are remarkably better.

Here's some supporting data from a log I took today.


RPM	Manifold Relative Pressure (PSI)
1968	-8.996
1926	-8.996
1926	-8.996
1926	-8.996
1921	-9.141
2051	-0.435
1980	0.145
1968	0.435
1983	0.725
2004	0.871
2005	1.161
2036	1.451
2055	1.741
2100	2.031
2108	2.176
2142	2.467
2154	2.757
2187	2.902
2208	3.192
2242	3.482
2247	3.627
2285	3.918
2315	4.208
2330	4.353
2356	4.643
2401	4.933
2448	5.224
2455	5.659
2502	6.094
2498	6.384
2550	6.82
2580	7.255
2625	7.835
2679	8.416
2693	8.706
2730	9.576
2781	10.447
2827	11.463
2849	12.624
2906	13.929
2948	14.8
2961	15.816
3050	16.396
3104	16.541
3146	16.541
3193	16.541
3278	16.396
3308	16.396
3351	16.396
3439	16.541
3461	16.396
3558	16.396
3588	16.396
3639	16.396
3702	16.251
3769	16.251
3811	16.251
3874	16.251
3922	16.251
3935	16.251
4011	16.251
4067	16.251
4112	16.251
4173	16.106
4230	16.106
4256	16.106
4308	16.106
4406	16.251
4456	16.106
4454	16.396
4548	16.541
4568	16.686
4638	16.686
4696	16.541
4714	16.541
4777	16.396
4867	16.251
4902	16.251
4908	16.106
4960	15.961
5020	15.816
5081	15.671
5137	15.525
5133	15.38
5205	15.235
5271	15.09
5330	14.8
5372	14.8
5380	14.655
5478	14.51
5515	14.51
5519	14.365
5601	14.22
5580	13.929
5660	13.929
5695	13.784
5725	13.784
5800	13.639
5850	13.494
5905	13.204
5905	13.204
5943	13.059
6010	12.914
6053	12.769
6083	12.624
6068	12.769
6107	12.624
6142	12.478
6178	12.333
6260	12.333
6313	12.188
6340	12.188
6324	12.043
6367	12.043
6454	12.043
6432	12.188
6527	12.043
6510	12.043
6510	12.043
6602	11.898
6637	11.898
6667	11.898
6655	11.898
6745	11.898
6745	11.898
6726	12.043
6818	11.898
I had Ed look at my logs and they look good. He thinks it's probably running a bit rich in open loop based on my low EGT's at full throttle and next time he's up here, he'll bring his wideband and lean it out a bit for this elevation. But this has nothing to do with me adding the MBC. My tune was good before and after adding the MBC, no tweaking necessary. Ed says you can probably run this MBC on any tuned map, maybe even Cobb's canned maps. DO NOT RUN AN MBC ON A STOCK MAPPED SUBARU EVER.

He used one of my logs (maybe the one above) to make the following graph. Numbers aren't great, but this is at ~5,200 feet of elevation. I'm just glad to get rid of all the lag I was seeing at this elevation.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	5200ft elevation Cody.jpg
Views:	1491
Size:	275.4 KB
ID:	3551  

Slow and low, that is the tempo.

Last edited by cody; 2006-05-25 at 08:41 AM. Reason: Added quotes from before prunage for context
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