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Old 2006-08-03, 09:18 AM   #8
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by Bonster
Thanks Scott! Word of mouth is always best in motorsports activities, I've always thought. We still have tons of room, especially considering the size of the track. I thought Thunderhill was the longest config. I'd ever see, until this. I've only done a couple of parade laps on the new 4.1 course, so it will be fun learning something new for a change.

Reno SCCA ran the F and H configurations at our last time trial. Those are the ones up the hill, but then you turn left and either drop back down to the old track, or follow the ridgeline over to the horseshoe. The configurations (but H especially) are really fun, much better than the old courses. Blasting up that hill is awesome!
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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