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Old 2006-08-24, 02:22 PM   #4
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by Bob Danger
Isn't the Gymkhana based more around drifting than say autocross which focuses on grip driving?
The primary difference between Autocross and Gymkhana as far as I know is that Autocross focuses primarily on the driver's car handling skill, while Gymkhana focuses on the driver's memory. Most Gymkhana courses are very tight and include multiple loops around the course from several directions. It's kind of a navigation puzzle.

Check out these course maps for an example:

Here's one with only 5 cones!

In autocross, the courses are specifically designed to be clear without memorization, and should never intentionally confuse the driver.

I think the association of drifting w/ gymkhana comes from the fact that most gymkhana courses are *very* tight and involve lots of small loops. Courses so tight that sliding the rear dramatically inevitablly becomes the fast way around the course. I don't believe the intention in gymkhana is to drift, but when you have to do three loops around a single cone, that's the only fast way to do it.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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