Lucky dog in F1? That'll never work... for example: the SC comes out to control the pace and the leader is the only one on the lead lap. Every other car now has to haul ass around the track to make up their lap... meanwhile if the SC is only out for 1 lap, what's the chance the field will be able to make up the distance before things go green?
Also, I like the idea's of flagging lights in the cockpit, but I wonder how they work for local yellows... sounds like a complicated system to know where the car is and trigger the yellow light specifically for that flagger station. Also, do the flaggers hit a button or something when the wave the flag, or do they radio it to control who then triggers the cockpit lights... something tells me there's going to be a dispute at some point about a pass under yellow due to these lights.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?