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Old 2007-01-12, 12:37 PM   #42
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by MPREZIV
I wash my clothes on my abs tho... +1 for being fit, -2 for being poor!

I've even tried putting on wieght, (when I was kickboxing) and to no avail! Shit, I've essentially been this size since I was in the 8th grade. I was an absolute FREAK at >6' and only 14 yrs old at the time! The biggest I've ever been was 190, with weight training and diet managing, but then I moved to AZ to go to school, and lived off Ramen for 2 years, so there that went...
At 185, I was working out 4 days a week trying to get up to 200. It never happened. Then finally, at around 22 years old, my metabolism slowed a little, and I hit 230 with all the sitting on my ass that school, and then work, provided. I'm back down to an even 200, but I'm not exactly in good shape. Though, I don't break into a sweat and pant like I just ran a 100m sprint the way MattR and MikeK do when moving a couch 20 feet.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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