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Old 2007-02-10, 08:48 AM   #1
Real Name: Lucas Kunze
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Reno
Posts: 21
Car: 00 2.5rs, Past toys 94 Camaro, 00 Vette
Class: STS
If the tires don't rub they're not big enough
Default Reno scca "Pro class" supp.

Just wanted to post a draft of what I had on a possible new class for the region. Looking for imput. Is it easy for nubies to understand? Any thing you think I should add or change?

Pro class:
Reno Region will offer a "Pro" class to create a more competitive environment for all drivers. The "Pro" class is provided to promote national-level competition on a regional level.
Competitor’s times will be computed based upon the current PAX index for the SCCA class in which their car normally would be eligible to run.
This class will be open to any driver. Visiting national level drivers are encouraged to run in "Pro" class as to not disrupt regional series championship results and regional PAX championship.
All "Pro" tire class cars will display an “P" preceding their normal SCCA classes such as “PCSP”.
All National and Regional class are eligible to compete.
There will be no street tire handicap in "Pro" class.
"Pro" class trophies will be awarded on the same basis as for other classes.
Only the first 3 runs of "Pro" class will count for the competition. The best of first 3 runs will be scored using PAX index. All other runs taken will be for test-n-tune purpose only and will not be scored for competition but may be seen in results to ease the burden on Timing & Scoring.
Competitors will follow the National rules and Reno Region supplemental rules excluding supp. 4.9.
Any competitor who is scored in the "Pro" class will not be scored in the regions PAX championship for that event in which they ran in the "Pro" class.

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