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Old 2007-03-04, 10:12 AM   #1
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Real Name: Tim
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 1,384
Car: '94 L
Default My car finally got here!

After what seemed like forever (a month and four days) my STi finally got here. To my suprise there was no shipping damage either. So far I'm extremely happy with it aside from the infamous "bobble head" I get while on the Autobahn. It's much worse than I remember. I've gone through $90 worth of gas in five days but a large chunk of that was from my trip to Trier Saturday to pick up my new Spec-C front seats

I know you've all seen a stock STi but Pete and Bobby have been hounding me for pictures. These aren't anything special, just snap shots with no tripod right before I ran out of light.

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