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Old 2007-04-17, 07:53 AM   #20
(40 percent vodka)
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Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey View Post
Even if 10 people rushed him and most were killed before taking him down, that's a lot fewer people dead than 30+.
I dont know if you have ever had a gun pulled on you but its not something that your mind can really prepare for. And everyone acts like this guy knocked on the door "im gonna come in and start shooting so get ready for that". It was probably extremely fast and the sound of a firearm in a closed room like that alone would be enough to drop you to the floor. Unless you have years of police training I doubt you will do much besides piss your pants or run(which there was no where for them to run). I can tell you this much. If we were playing paintball and I knew that I was going into a room full of people that I needed to shoot(even if you knew I was coming) I could waste half of you before you could even react. Let alone anyone running at me unarmed. I just think its real easy to minimize the situation and say "oh I would have totally done this" when you havnt been in it.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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