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Old 2007-05-17, 11:10 PM   #222
(40 percent vodka)
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Bioshock will be the best game of the year. I just played halo3 tonight and I was mildly entertained. Same shit different day. I didnt really care for the entire control switch up from the last 2 games. Had some cool weapons. To me it felt like a skin pack or just a downloadable update for any other game. Oh and that quad sucks ass, I dont even know why they waste time with such things as... a new sticky nade that looks like a battle axe yet does the same as the former nade. The only thing that I did really enjoy was the alien gun that charges up and unloads a fury of murder. I got a double kill with that horse of a gun.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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