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Old 2007-05-24, 08:23 PM   #237
M3n2c3's Avatar
Real Name: Jeremiah
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"Kids are ruining autocross."

The other problem that I have is with the fact that the demo forces you to drive AT instead of MT. Having control of the gears would make it easier to keep the car in check and control speed going into corners using the sound of the RPM range. With automatic I feel like I'm just sort of lost in the gears and tossing the car around blindly. If that makes any sense.

I guess I'm just really bad at gauging my velocity in racing games based solely on visual feedback - I need to have the sort of semi-controlled aural feedback that you get from learning and manipulating your tranny.

I like the demo, but so far I think I like Forza 2 a little better. Forza's racing naturally feels more deliberate and controlled, rather than balls-out and haphazard. Guess I could never be a rally driver. Forza also feels more realistic. They really went all out with the physics and audio feedback.
Small red text that looks curious at first glance but is ultimately inconsequential

Last edited by M3n2c3; 2007-05-24 at 08:28 PM.
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