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Old 2010-06-06, 10:25 PM   #6
The Doink
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Originally Posted by Highdesertsuby View Post
Hmmm...I wonder if there are any Christians in here who would find this assumption about their God a little offensive...oh, yeah, that would be me.
Okay, let me rephrase more accurately, since your sense of humor and/or understanding of the actual source of anti-gay rhetoric comes from appears to be broken:

"I totally support gays stealing symbols from a religion that claims to follow the teachings of a man who encouraged love for our fellow man while treating homosexuals as second class citizens who, even though they are as god made them, aren't allowed to participate openly in the church, all while perpetuating this injustice and hate outside the church as some twisted family values rhetoric that somehow still gets a pass in the secular nation at large even though the discrimination against gays is about as blatant as the discrimination against women and blacks ever was."

But seriously, I'm not implying that god hates gays, when really all the hate stems from the teachings of homophobes that run various churches (and I'm not just talking about Christian religions... basically any religion born in the middle east has the same taboo on homosexuality because they all come from the same base religion(s) of the area).

I do find it a little funny that as a Christian, you're offended I might imply that god hates gays, because the teachings of Christ actually say nothing about gays. Everything anti-gay in the Bible is actually from pre-Christian believes (seriously, how much of Leviticus does anyone actually follow any more, aside from the whole "being gay is bad" line?). Which is why I always wonder why so many "Christians" are against gay rights whereas a true follower of his teachings would embrace equality for gays the same way Jesus reached out to lepers and prostitutes who were the shunned people of his time. The whole WWJD crowd never seems to actually apply their motto to the situation.
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