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Old 2010-06-09, 06:34 PM   #82
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
And not to single out the religious folks, but I'm curious as to why you believe the Bible is the word of god. What evidence do you have that it should be taken as god's literal word? Every answer I've ever received to that question has been a circular argument that boils down to "the Bible is the word of god because it says it is in the Bible, which is the word of god, so it has to be true". What convinces you to take the Bible literally when logically it's so much more likely that it's a man made document that attempts to explain the nature of god/morality/etc?
I'm not getting involved in this, because the simple (and sufficient) answer of faith, evidence, and inherent conviction/recognizance does not play out well on a casual internet forum. No, I am not talking about Global Wa.......I mean.......Anthropogenically-Driven Climate Change......

However, if you are REALLY dying to hear some more educated pro-Christian arguments related to the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of Scripture, then here are some, certainly not exhaustive or maybe even exactly what you are looking for:

Rainbows, they are proof of precipitation, not gayness. I know this, because I am in Logan, Utah taking a datalogger programming class right now, and while I can see the rainbows and the rain, the Gaydar screen is 100% clear. No, I'm not shopping for a second wife.
"Trend Number One is that people aren't getting any smarter."
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