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Old 2006-02-24, 09:57 AM   #8
MPREZIV's Avatar
Real Name: Le Stig Afrique?
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: sitting next to a big yellow box
Posts: 3,589
Car: 2001 Impreza 2.5 RS
Class: 05 TDSP
No, I won't work on your car. F* your car

It was really sudden. He was just the same old dude last Thursday! Nothing different! He didn't come to work on Friday because of a stomach ache, and his wife took him to the Dr. on Sun when it hadn't gone away. By Tuesday, he had been diagnosed with diabetes, which was out of the blue, and had pneumonia (sp?). He had a small heart attack on Wednesday, and his blood pressure was terribly low all day yesterday. He just kinda went to sleep yesterday evening, and didn't wake up today. It's nice to know that it was peaceful, if nothing else.

Thanks for listening to me guys. He was a good friend. I called him "uncle Wayne" because that's the kinda friend he was to me. One of those older guys that's been everywhere you're going, and is willing to give you any advice he has on any topic you need.

Shawn, Rob doesn't seem too shaken up right now, but a little absent minded. I'd be willing to say he's likely holding back. A call would prob. be a good idea, just to hear from you would be good I'm sure.
"...these condoms have a topical anesthetic to reduce sensitivity, so you can last longer. What a paradox. You can't feel a thing, but you can f*ck for HOURS..."
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