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Old 2006-04-19, 09:02 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by tysonK
really? who on the board, call them out.
*raises hand*

More on topic - Crossing a yellow line and breaking the speed limit are both traffic violations, and In my opinion, both can be compared to one another. I myself have broken the speed limit, and passed on a double yellow - shit, I've even run a red light. The matter of the fact is its when, and how you do it. When I passed on a double yellow, there was a jackass infront of me on the way to fallon that was travel under or about the speed limit. Yes, I'm impatient when I drive, so I PASSED him on a double yellow. The road was strait, long, and no on-coming cars in site. So yes, I passed him and continued. However, you will not see my passing on a double line, on say, Plumb lane, for example. If there is any sign when I can cause danger to myself, or someone else, I will not do the illegal action. Same with speeding. Yes, I drive 55/60 on McCarren, because I'm comfortable with that. Same with the red light. No one was there! It was late! No one was coming and the light wouldn't change. I ran it. No one was hurt, everything is ok.

However, there are courtesies that drivers should follow - If you're holding up traffic, please pull over and let others pass and dont drive the the passing lane if you're doing the speed limit, or holding up traffic. I hate people who do this. I kind of want to print an add in the sat/sun paper to let everyone know DO NOT DRIVE IN THE PASSING LANE IF YOU ARE NOT PASSING ANYONE.

Anywho, I just thought I'd type my opinions on the matter. I wasn't there so I dont know who was in the wrong. Just be courteous, and safe.

Oh, and no name calling.
Turbo is a decent with modification.
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