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Old 2011-11-03, 04:10 PM   #19
The Doink
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Originally Posted by rory_a View Post
And what better to throw the scene a curve than a decently clean, marginally practical car?
Have you seen the Member's Gallery forum on NASIOC? That's exactly the type of person that gets reamed the hardest there. It's really the thing I hate the most about the stance/flush "scene"... sure I think the uber-low to the point the car is barely drivable thing as a "style" is silly in it's own right... but to each their own really. I've got way more respect to someone that does this than someone that drops tons of cash on an expensive BMW or Porsche they park in their garage as a status symbol. At least the hellaflush guys are actual "car guys".

But what really irks me is that people post up a reasonably modded car in the stance thread and the guys there are instantly "get the fuck out of here with that truck shit! lol". That's what's shitty about the stance scene... it's a popularity fad, and if you don't do things exactly the way the popular kids do it, you're out... and god forbid you're doing it the way it was done last year, 'cause that makes you a poser... there's apparently no such thing as a "little stanced". All the while, the popular folks are hypocritically defending their actions by ranting about how "unique" they are and that everyone else is just "hating" on their "pushing style to the next level" (ignoring that this has been done to death by the VW crowd decades ago), and the fact they ream anyone that wants to participate without doing it the exact same way they're doing it (again, so much for celebrating uniqueness).

Also, nevermind that you can't get anyone to actually define "stance" in some measurable way which would prevent the "confusion" of people posting things that aren't "stanced enough"... which of course is because really all stance is is having a low car while being one of the "cool kids" in the clique.

Anyway, that's my stance rant. Sorry to vomit it up in your thread Rory. Personally, I think you should focus on cramming the meatyest tires under your car as possible while still preserving the handling. Going low, wide, low-offset, and hammering/stretching the fenders is fine... just do it with lateral G's in mind instead of some arbitrary goal of being "stanced". Your car will look better, drive better, and won't suddenly be uncool in 6 months when the stance fad changes to whatever's next.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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