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Old 2013-11-19, 10:27 AM   #18
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Real Name: Brandon
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Reno
Posts: 166
Car: 2007 Sleeper......thats not really a sleeper.......

In response to Sperry. I'm not worried about what either of you guys think or anyone for that matter. I'm not here to offend anyone but some people like you are easily offended anyway it seems. I don't know you personally but by what you say you are obviously good at "assuming" things. You see there is a certain disconnect with technology that ommits actual human expression which leads to misconception ie social networking drama. So if you assume anything whilst not talking with someone face to face or being there in person then you're being foolish if you really think you know what someones intentions really are. Even in person it's hard enough to see through peoples "bullshit". Yet you seem to think that you can do that through a computer screen lol. Seriously? Do you think this is the Matrix and you are Neo haha? I don't profess to be wise but I'm far from a fool Sperry and I know that you are not either but don't go assuming that you know my motives or anything about me until you have met and known me for a while there buddy. You can respond how you wish and will but I have nothing further to say to you unless you are indeed going to have some words of real logic and open mindedness for me. Until then I leave you with thoughts of respect and positivity.
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