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Old 2006-04-19, 02:26 PM   #1
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Default Pissed one of you off today...

I never forget a face, but am horrible with names. I pissed one of you off today (Fundis Truck Driver)...twice even, what are the odds.

I appologize.

I know that truck drivers deal with a-hole drivers day in and day out, I hear about it from my two drivers all the time.

First off I passed you on a double yellow while heading to lunch. Didn't mean to piss you off with that one; If I'm driving a slower vehicle and there's a long straight-away I expect to get passed by cars, even if it's a double yellow. So it never occured to me that it might upset some drivers, sorry.

Then secondly, on my way back from lunch I turned onto McCarran from Nugget under a protected right turn (green light) and headed instantly over to the fast lane cause I have to take a left at the next light. I saw a semi in the middle lane and either I didn't notice your turn signal or you turned it on after I was already past the rear of your truck, but you started to come over into my lane when I was about to the front of your trailer. Not that big of a deal, spooked me a bit at first, but I'm level headed enough to avoid without incident.

Having ridden motorcycles for years, I understand how it happens. Drivers have a hard time estimating the closing speeds of other vehicles, especially motorcycles and some cars which also accelerate quickly. You glance in your mirror and there's nothing there, and by the time you turn your signal on and start to change lanes there's now a bike or car there.

I appologize for that, if I had seen that you had a turn signal on I would have never attempted to pass.

You must have been steamed to follow me all the way to my work, and then to tell me that I'm going to wrap myself around a tree. Funny how perspective changes everything. You perceived that I was driving like a crazed lunatic because I passed you on a double yellow on a long straight-away with zero traffic, and because an hour later I went by you again at over 3 times your speed (you 20mph, me 60mph) while you were attempting to change lanes (which I wasn't aware of until you started coming over). I'm pretty sure I can drive 60mph without endangering myself or anyone else... but like I said, perspective changes everything.
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Old 2006-04-19, 02:44 PM   #2
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were you on the NEW toy?
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Old 2006-04-19, 02:52 PM   #3
Nick Koan
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You think passing over a double yellow is okay? Especially if you are impatient?

If thats the case, you give Evo and Ducati owners a very bad name.
While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN
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Old 2006-04-19, 02:53 PM   #4
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Yeah, it was me, I don't drive for Fundis, but that doesn't matter. I appreciate your apology and accept it. I shouldn't have followed you to your work, that wasn't very professional, but two run-ins in a day and I was hot. (I was heading right over there). I too am sorry for losing my temper.

I assure you I was signaling, the timing could have been such that you didn't see it, stuff happens,regardless, I wished that you had cut me a little slack, as my truck and others are very slow to get over that hill. You were likely invisible to me until you came by on the left. Usually, people just blast up the right side there anyway. We can share the fault there.

The pass on Nugget is what bothers me. I'm not really mad about it, but just disappointed that people choose to take chances for an extra 30 seconds of time. Have you seen how many vehicles cross that street? I know it was clear then, but there have been a lot of run-under accidents on that street, where cars end up surprised by a crossing truck, or a bicyclist and/ or pedestrian dodging traffic as there is no sidewalk. As far as I'm concerened, it is never okay to do what you did there, but that is your choice, and there's no need for a lecture.

I am surprised you recognized me from the board, honestly, but that's how I new your name. There just aren't a lot of MR's around.

I'm over it.
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Old 2006-04-19, 02:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by dustinr
First off I passed you on a double yellow while heading to lunch. Didn't mean to piss you off with that one; If I'm driving a slower vehicle and there's a long straight-away I expect to get passed by cars, even if it's a double yellow. So it never occured to me that it might upset some drivers, sorry.
That's funny, I never expect to get passed on a double yellow, you know 'cause a double yellow explicitly means "no passing".

Just like I don't expect people to blow stop signs and red lights, 'cause they explicitly mean "stop"... and a million other rules of the road. Anytime I see someone directly violate a traffic law, it raises the "WTF is that idiot doing" flag... i.e. passing over a double yellow (especially passing a truck!?) is an idiot move.

What are you in such a hurry for anyway?
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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Old 2006-04-19, 02:59 PM   #6
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What a small world.
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
What a small world.
You'd be very surprised how many SECCS drivers I see every week, and they don't know it
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:05 PM   #8
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Do you drive for one company or what?
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:07 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
Do you drive for one company ?
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:13 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by MattR
Which one is it? I just want to make sure to stay clear of you!

Unless it's top secret and you don't want us knowing.
"Why do chicks tell you to call and then not gay." "Cuz girls are fags I dunno"
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:16 PM   #11
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Don't act like a douchenozzle in traffic and you don't have anything to worry about when Supertrucker is watching you.
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:21 PM   #12
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Well I wasn't planning on it, but I was just curious, maybe I could wave if I saw him.

Man you can tell work is slow, I'm being awfully whorey today.
"Why do chicks tell you to call and then not gay." "Cuz girls are fags I dunno"
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:23 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Don't act like a douchenozzle in traffic and you don't have anything to worry about when Supertrucker is watching you.
Quoted for truf.
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:31 PM   #14
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Originally Posted by murphy
were you on the NEW toy?
No, in the Evo.
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Old 2006-04-19, 03:36 PM   #15
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Somebody fire up the photoshop. I don't have it here...

FWD is the new AWD
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Old 2006-04-19, 04:10 PM   #16
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Originally Posted by sperry
That's funny, I never expect to get passed on a double yellow, you know 'cause a double yellow explicitly means "no passing".

Just like I don't expect people to blow stop signs and red lights, 'cause they explicitly mean "stop"... and a million other rules of the road. Anytime I see someone directly violate a traffic law, it raises the "WTF is that idiot doing" flag... i.e. passing over a double yellow (especially passing a truck!?) is an idiot move.

What are you in such a hurry for anyway?
So you never drive over the speed limit? That's a traffic law. I call BS if you say no...

I drive Nugget Ave all the time, and the majority of the time it's a ghost town. You can see from one end to the other and there's only one street that intersects and 2 driveways at the end closest to McCarran.

There where no intersections where I passed and if you say it was unsafe because there are two yellow lines painted on the road you must have problems thinking for yourself. If you can't decide for yourself what's safe and unsafe without a traffic sign then I'm sorry. I'm talking safety, not legality.

If we were climbing a 2 lane mountain pass and you were in a semi and I was in kia stuck behind you, I wouldn't dare attempt a pass with a closing speed of 2 mph, that's unsafe.

A long flat straight away with no intersections, a car which can pass in 2 to 3 seconds, zero traffic; it's not unsafe to pass, it's illegal.

I have different ethics I guess, I've always been the type of driver that if faster traffic is behind me I move over and if I can't move over I'll wave them by if it's safe to do so, whether it's double yellow or not.

I guess it's motorcycle habits.

Funny though that I see rex's all over town that I know I've seen at the meets, and they always want to play drag race whether I'm driving the STi, the Evo or the bike. So don't pretend that your club is holy'er than thou... some of you are part of the dark side...
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Old 2006-04-19, 04:12 PM   #17
Nick Koan
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Speeding is not the same as crossing a double yellow

Besides, being a hypocrite doesn't change the fact that you (aparently) drive like a jackass.

I can't believe you are actually trying to pose yourself as an independent thinker cause you crossed the double yellow. It's almost laughable, actually... its pretty laughable. Do me a favor though, keep your free-thinking drive-where-I-want-to mentality off the roads when I'm driving around town. Last thing I want is to end up nose to nose with you. Quit pretending you were justified with your jackassery, and drop your holier then thou attitude.
While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN

Last edited by Nick Koan; 2006-04-19 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 2006-04-19, 06:27 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by dustinr

Funny though that I see rex's all over town that I know I've seen at the meets, and they always want to play drag race whether I'm driving the STi, the Evo or the bike. So don't pretend that your club is holy'er than thou... some of you are part of the dark side...
really? who on the board, call them out.

Don't assume all Subaru's in town are in the club, because as a percent of the Subaru's in town that post on this board regulary I would guess it's much less than 1%.
Anjali? Anjali?

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Old 2006-04-19, 09:02 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by tysonK
really? who on the board, call them out.
*raises hand*

More on topic - Crossing a yellow line and breaking the speed limit are both traffic violations, and In my opinion, both can be compared to one another. I myself have broken the speed limit, and passed on a double yellow - shit, I've even run a red light. The matter of the fact is its when, and how you do it. When I passed on a double yellow, there was a jackass infront of me on the way to fallon that was travel under or about the speed limit. Yes, I'm impatient when I drive, so I PASSED him on a double yellow. The road was strait, long, and no on-coming cars in site. So yes, I passed him and continued. However, you will not see my passing on a double line, on say, Plumb lane, for example. If there is any sign when I can cause danger to myself, or someone else, I will not do the illegal action. Same with speeding. Yes, I drive 55/60 on McCarren, because I'm comfortable with that. Same with the red light. No one was there! It was late! No one was coming and the light wouldn't change. I ran it. No one was hurt, everything is ok.

However, there are courtesies that drivers should follow - If you're holding up traffic, please pull over and let others pass and dont drive the the passing lane if you're doing the speed limit, or holding up traffic. I hate people who do this. I kind of want to print an add in the sat/sun paper to let everyone know DO NOT DRIVE IN THE PASSING LANE IF YOU ARE NOT PASSING ANYONE.

Anywho, I just thought I'd type my opinions on the matter. I wasn't there so I dont know who was in the wrong. Just be courteous, and safe.

Oh, and no name calling.
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Old 2006-04-19, 10:40 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Somebody fire up the photoshop. I don't have it here...

Small red text that looks curious at first glance but is ultimately inconsequential
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Old 2006-04-20, 07:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by M3n2c3

weirdest post ever.
Can anybody fly this thing?
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Old 2006-04-20, 08:22 AM   #22
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Originally Posted by tysonK
really? who on the board, call them out.

Don't assume all Subaru's in town are in the club, because as a percent of the Subaru's in town that post on this board regulary I would guess it's much less than 1%.
I don't know for sure if they're in the club, but the cars look familar...of course a lot of Rex's look alike.
The last one I recall was a blue WRX wagon with tinted windows, exhaust, clearly modded. I was driving the STi around Double Diamond and he was attempting to show me that his wagon was as fast as an STi. Not positive if he's a member but I think I saw the car at a couple of the old meets when they were at the mall.
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Old 2006-04-20, 08:28 AM   #23
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Meh, everybody drives a little spirited every once in a while, and you are a liar if you say otherwise. At least you appologized. Moral of the story:Don't be a dick
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Old 2006-04-20, 08:40 AM   #24
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Originally Posted by nKoan
Speeding is not the same as crossing a double yellow

Besides, being a hypocrite doesn't change the fact that you (aparently) drive like a jackass.

I can't believe you are actually trying to pose yourself as an independent thinker cause you crossed the double yellow. It's almost laughable, actually... its pretty laughable. Do me a favor though, keep your free-thinking drive-where-I-want-to mentality off the roads when I'm driving around town. Last thing I want is to end up nose to nose with you. Quit pretending you were justified with your jackassery, and drop your holier then thou attitude.
Are you for real? So speeding is okay because you do it? But crossing a double yellow on a straight away with no traffic isn't? They're both illegal, correct? And I'm the hypocrite? Hello pot, this is kettle! And yes, my "free thinking mentality" (I think that was supposed to be derogatory) can decipher what's safe and when it's safe.

I feel like Maverick on Top Gun...
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Old 2006-04-20, 08:52 AM   #25
Nick Koan
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Not that I speed on the street a lot, but yes, there are different levels of danger, hence why the laws are much different. Speeding carries a small fine if caught. Crossing a double yellow carries a heavier fine. If you think they are one in the same, you need to take drivers ed again, cause that's just fucked up. Also, even if I speed and even if I'm a hypocrite, you still are a dumbass on the road. I'm not calling you a hypocrite (because obviously you don't care if you drive like a jackass), I'm saying my hypocracy doesn't make you any less of an idiot. You're still a jackass on the road if you cross a double yellow, regardless of whatever the hell I do or say.

Just two days ago in Sacramento, some kids crossed over a double yellow. They thought it was safe. It was straight, clear and narrow in their mind, yet they ended up hitting on coming traffic and killing 4 people. You can't honestly tell me that you know exactly what is happening on that road all the time. You can take a good guess, but you can't know, especially when passing a truck. You have huge blind spots. It really is funny to think you imagine yourself some sort or heroic rebel, because you 'break the rules' when you want to, but in reality you're just another idiot that is out to give the rest of us a bad name.
While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN

Last edited by Nick Koan; 2006-04-20 at 09:05 AM.
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