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Old 2015-05-01, 03:43 PM   #1
Little Slugger
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Default Lake Tahoe Cruise June

Guys on i-club have set up a meet/cruise for Saturday June 13th. Posting here in case there is any interest in joining.

Link to the thread:

Originally Posted by 02 bugeye wagon View Post
This is the official event thread for the Lake Tahoe Basin Cruise for 2015. This is the first (that I know of) Subaru caravan/cruise around Lake Tahoe and I'm really excited to be holding the event this spring! You are all more than welcome to invite people to like the page and join the fun. Below are some details about the event that will likely be updated several times before the actual event. You're also welcome to arrange any caravans to the meeting spot and I'm sure most of you are coming from the Bay or around Sacramento area so you guys could meet up somewhere convenient if desired. I have others interested in Fresno, Reno/Carson, and Chico areas so by all means, caravan to the caravan.

Please feel free to share this information with others!

There is a short and easy survey link below that will help me with awareness and interest in the event. PLEASE take the survey so I can gather more information! It's only 8 simple questions and nobody has taken longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Survey Link:

Official Facebook page:

Below are some details about the event that will likely be updated several times before the actual event.

Location: Squaw Valley's parking lot (Official)

Date: June 13th, 2015 (Official)

Time: 10:00 (Meeting time) 11:00 (Departing time)

Food/Drink: Bring your own, but no alcohol! (Official lol)

LTBC Rules & Recommendations:

This is probably one of the most important parts about this event. If we end up with a decent turnout (or way more than expected), then we will attract a lot of attention. Law enforcement out here gets bored quite often and with a lot of Subarus driving down really fun roads, that's just asking for trouble. So, here are the rules and recommendations for the meet and cruise. If you do not follow them, you will not be welcomed back, and it could potentially prevent this event from happening again in the future. If you have any problems with these rules, then don't come. However, if you have questions, please feel free to ask.

- DO NOT: tailgate, Burn-out/launch, rev your engine, race, be an ***hole, pass when you can't, blast your god offal music, LITTER etc. (If you know what an *** drives like, then don't be like them, plain and simple). Please be respectful of the places we meet at and drive through. Lake Tahoe is an incredible place and you should all keep it that way!
- Meeting time at the starting destination means the time that I will be showing up at that time. You're welcome to show up anytime before or after that.
- Departing time will be exactly an hour after the meeting time (11:00AM). Oh and we will not wait for you!
- We will drive south on HWY 89 to Tahoe City and continue south on the west shore all the way to S. Lake Tahoe. We will park in the Mont Bleu parking lot and have an hour break to get food, gas, gamble, see the lake, shop, or what ever you'd like to do during that time. Knowing me, I'll probably get some food and play Derby at Mont Bleu lol.
- Once that hour is up, we will then venture north along the east shore towards Incline Village/Crystal Bay and eventually all the way back to Tahoe City. From Tahoe City, we will end our trip back at the Squaw Valley parking lot. When we get back to Squaw. Once we've returned to Squaw's parking lot, that will be the end of the caravan and you will then be free to do what ever you like.
- You do not have to stay with the group the entire time. If you'd like to stop somewhere (likely emerald bay, Zephyr cove, etc.) you're more than welcome to. Just know we won't wait for you.
- I RECOMMEND you have enough gas to get you to South Lake Tahoe. It's the cheapest in the area and we will be stopping down there anyways.
- IF YOUR CAR IS LOW you will want to change that before heading up to Tahoe. The roads are not perfect everywhere. Most of the drive consists of nicely paved roads and fine. However, certain spots (like Kings Beach) is very uneven and bumpy. So I suggest you set your car up for a comfortable ride.
- Bring a camera, this area is incredibly beautiful even though it's seriously lacking in snowpack.
- Have a map ready. If you're not familiar with the area, you never know when you could need it.

Update 4/24/15:

We finally got approval to use Squaw Valley's parking lot for the morning of June 13th! This was the only thing we were waiting on to make it all official. However, I do want to point out something. A friend informed me about a week ago that Tough Mudder will be that same weekend. Granted the event will be held at Northstar California, there are thousands of people who attend TM every year and there's always a lot of people in the area that weekend. So, my plan was to switch the date to May 30th to avoid holding this event during another major event. However, given the fact that it took Squaw a really long time to get back to me to approve this date (and a lot of you are still set on it being June 13th), I am 99% sure that the LTBC will be held on the original date, June 13th 2015.

Stay tuned, and spread the word!

BAM 2014
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Old 2015-05-11, 03:36 PM   #2
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Can I post this in the reno scca forum?
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