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Old 2008-04-03, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default My EMT Intern

Well I haven't been around lately, at least at meets. Between school baseball and my internship I have been super busy.

Some of you might know about my internship, but I figured I would share.

I have been interning at REMSA for the past semester and I am about 99% positive this is what I want to do. I usually ride along at night but have done some day shifts.

I don't do much. Mostly just get supplies for the Medics, and set up IV kits, not the needles though so if, god forbid, I see you while on shift, I will not be poking you with any needles.

Here are some pictures, I have to be careful about what I post due to HIPPA but I can post some pictures, all the personal and Identifying factors have been removed or blurred out. There are some images near the bottom of a nasty wreck, just a warning.

Here is us, Lights and Sirens on the wrong side of the road on 2nd street, the sound got messed up though, you can here the dispatcher telling us Careflight will be on an airborne standby for us.

This is Gonzo, the EMT I work with. Super nice guy.

Reight before mocing a patient from American Medflight (Fixed Wing Aircraft) to our gurney. Thats Dave, he is the Medic I work with. He was grumpy that night, not enough coffee I guess.

The Medic 11 control board. We get DVD players

Wrong way in traffic through busy intersections at red lights is always fun.

Careflight landing at Renown Medical Center

Rollover on Greg, 1 fatal 2 critical. Don't drive fast on the road please!

Same Accident zoomed out.

Thats all for now, I will add more later when I get them.

Ready, set, discuss!
Mosey down the road.
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Old 2008-04-03, 09:42 PM   #2
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Hey do you know Jordan? He's a paramedic at REMSA.
Actually, I am a rocket scientist.
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Old 2008-04-03, 09:43 PM   #3
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Morrison? Yea I rode with him my first shift. Cool guy.
Mosey down the road.
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Old 2008-04-03, 09:48 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by wrxkidid View Post
Morrison? Yea I rode with him my first shift. Cool guy.
Ya I've known that guy since 2nd grade.
Actually, I am a rocket scientist.
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Old 2008-04-03, 09:52 PM   #5
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Nice. Yea he was pretty cool, super laid back.
Mosey down the road.
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Old 2008-04-04, 07:45 AM   #6
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Eesh, that accident looks crazy.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2008-04-04, 08:33 AM   #7
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That's good work you're doing there son.
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Old 2008-04-05, 10:18 AM   #8
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Goodness, there's a tree growing out of the top of that car.
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Old 2008-04-05, 08:00 PM   #9
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are you going to update this thread with all the crazyass stories from the field every week?
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Old 2008-04-05, 09:21 PM   #10
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Got any rotations in Renown ICU? I'll be seeing you. We get lots of paramedic students, can't remember about EMT's though....anyhow, folks that have trees growing out of their cars like that and folks that land in the park in a heli come to see us in the ole ICU.
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Old 2008-04-05, 11:39 PM   #11
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I am still in HS, EMT school next year then probably a year of field experience before I will take a go t the Medic school. Do you work friday nights at Renown? I usually ride with Gonzo and Dave on 411 but they have a new medic that REMSA hired and they are doing ride along training with him so lately I have been on 437. Im the kid with long hair in the white shirt with the Manogue HS 'M' logo on it. Give me a hollar if you see me. I don't know if I have ever been in the Reown ICU, I have been in St. Mary's but I don't know about Renown, we are always downstair in the Green, Red and Blue pods, unless it is one of them?

Im not on the rig every weekend, pretty close though, but yes I will keep it updated. I only have one picture from this weekend, kind of a slow shift. Once I get it on my computer I will upload it.

This weekend we didn't have any trama patients, mostly sick people and transfers. The 'worst' calls of the night were a transfer from the hospital to a rehab center and a man with severe abdominal pain. Neither were too exciting, what made them bad was that both patients had MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is a nasty version of a Staph infection.

For the transfer we were all decked out in our 'sponge-bob' suits that you have to wear for transfers of patients with contact precautions, MRSA cultures in your nose but only becomes an infection if it gets in an open wound, so no masks are needed.

The man we picked up with the abdominal pain was a little scary because he also had MRSA, but we didn't have any contact precautions left besides gloves so we had to try and help the patient while making very little physical contact with him, so that was a little interesting.

Another patient we responded to was a priority 1 chest pain. His rhythms on the 12 lead were normal, they showed some previous damage but still were a little on the iffy side but despite our best persuasive efforts, he refused transport. So we AMAd him (Against Medical Advise) and went on our way.

One patient we had well down a set of stairs, but we were called priority 2 for 'Patient Altered' which means they are not their normal selves. He was AnO x4 (Alert and Oriented x amount of questions asked) but we transported to get a cut above his eye all fixed up from his fall.

It was a pretty slow night, and we spent the time watching Good Luck Chuck, hopefully next week will be more interesting. I will throw the picture of me in my super cool sponge-bob suit up when I have time.

Edit: Some things I forgot from the very first post.
The absolute worst call I have been on was that accident, because of the brain matter that was all over and the passenger with compound fractures in both femurs, compound fractures in both legs in his Tibia and Fibula, and compound fractures in both ankles, followed by a homicide that we had to respond to to declare the person dead.
Mosey down the road.

Last edited by wrxkidid; 2008-04-05 at 11:49 PM.
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Old 2008-05-10, 03:20 AM   #12
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Had another ride along today. It was supposed to be my last but I want one more Partly because I love it and partly because it was kinda a boring night. Only ran 5 calls in a 12 hour shift. Couple transfers, a MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) and a Cardiac Arrest.

Nothing special, the MVA was nothing bad, no C-spine or anything. The cardiac arrest turned out that we got on scene and the patient had DNR so we just waited for PD. It is always sad to see someone lose a loved one, but the guy was actually really calm and was kinda like it needed to happen. I have one picture I will post later, and here is the spongebob picture I promised earlier.

Its hard to smile after being in an enclosed space with an infectious disease.
Mosey down the road.

Last edited by wrxkidid; 2008-05-10 at 03:26 AM.
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Old 2008-07-09, 12:18 PM   #13
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A little update for you all.

My dad knows some people so I ended up on a 12 hour ride-a-long with North Lake Tahoe Fire Department out of the main station in Incline this friday, so Im pretty excited for that. I also found out that Reno and Sparks fire are having a bunch of retirements this summer so in August applications are opening up and I am going to go apply so maybe I will be able to get this started off better than I had hoped.

I start EMT-Basic classes in August then after that Should be able to start my EMT-Intermediate classes in January. Reno Fire only requires EMT-B but Sparks requires EMT-I. I am hoping that they will allow me to apply with only being enrolled in the class for RFD but who knows that may be an issue, but if it is I guess I will just have to wait until next year which wont be too bad.
Mosey down the road.
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Old 2008-07-10, 08:05 AM   #14
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I was hoping this would be a "We just got a new EMT intern but I could swear she's a swimsuit model" thread
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