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Old 2008-10-20, 06:46 AM   #1
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Default Teen SECCS

Thanks to all the SECCS members who turned out to help with the Street Survival teen driving events this weekend. Over 1/3rd of the in-car instructors were SECCS members!!!

As he said, Kevin won the instructor "lottery" and got the student with the WRX (with STI bits?) Novices for next year should be scared.

Nick wins the iron stomach award riding around in the Mercedes in desperate need of new/upgraded dampers and maybe springs.

Cody and Alex also instructed and did a great job with their students.

Debbie and Rachel helped out as well.

Hope I didn't miss anyone. I was running like crazy all day between class and in-car and may have missed someone...

Thanks again.
I am a Commodore PET --- Now get off my lawn you kids...
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Old 2008-10-20, 08:35 AM   #2
Kevin M
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I had a great time, and I have no doubt that all those kids are much safr drivers than they were last week. I will definitely be volunteering again eveerytime we put one of these on.
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Old 2008-10-20, 08:46 AM   #3
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My student improved a wholeheckuvalot. I was really impressed!
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2008-10-20, 08:48 AM   #4
Nick Koan
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I did have one momentary worry that the Mercedes was going to traction roll itself. Other than that, I think I only vomited in my mouth once.

But the kid was cool, and everything was super smooth. He actually did a good job cooking it around the course. Certainly not timid behind the wheel, but also he seemed controlled and not going too crazy. My only worry was that maybe he was a little to advanced for the course, but I think at the end of the day he did learn a few new things about car control (just maybe not as much as the otehr students).
While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN
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Old 2008-10-20, 03:13 PM   #5
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"pedal on the right"

The student i had went up and asked me if i had the Blue STI, then asked if i could be his instructor about 1 minute before dean said to grab a student. I said sure.

he shortly after told me he liked snowboarding, D1, and rally. so as you could tell it was hard for me to find anything in common with him.

Same with last year it was enjoyable to coach the exercises. its fun when the student does the braking on the 3rd or so time and really feels the ABS. i got him to improve a bunch @ being smooth and always keeping at least one hand gripping the wheel (he liked to shift his hands around a lot) . got him looking into his corners a bit. good stuff

I'm in for next year too. (can we go back to the Mt rose site its closer for me )
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Old 2008-10-20, 03:58 PM   #6
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Glad you guys enjoyed teaching the kids as much as I do.

They are great... like driving sponges. They pick up things incredibly quickly. Even more so than new Autocrossers.

What you guys may not have seen/heard is the parent's reactions after riding with the kids at the end of the day. These are most likely the people who taught them to drive and have spent more time in the right seat than anyone with their kid and they are often absolutely stunned at what their child has learned in so short a period of time.

And talking to the ones who stayed the whole day and sat in on class, they admit they learned quite a bit and often ask if we do something similar for adults...

Thanks again for all your help.
I am a Commodore PET --- Now get off my lawn you kids...
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