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Old 2010-01-21, 01:22 PM   #1
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.
Default 2010 Varmint Rifle Matches

New, and improved, I bring to you ......... LONG RANGE VARMINT!

Actually, I will be running 8 matches this year, 6 Prone and 2 Standing/Sitting. The offer is still open for some of you to come and borrow one of my rigs as long as you cover the ammo costs.

I made the Prone match format something that new shooters will feel more comfortable in, but still be intimidated at shooting at 550yd targets. Upon connecting with them, they will then be surprised and immediately become addicted.

Here is the announcement blurb that went out on email and some forums:

Northern Nevada shooters,

Time is once again approaching to prepare for a fun-filled season of hitting steel with the Palomino Valley Gun Club! Here is the current schedule (all dates are bought and paid for, so hopefully no changes will occur). I also have included the Rules I will get updated on the PVGC website.

The PVGC graciously voted to let me purchase all new AR500 Varmint targets last year ($2500 before welding), as the old ones were getting hammered. For those who were there for the last couple of matches last season, you know how nice these new ones are.

There are 2 difference Courses of Fire (COFs), "walking" and "long range". See the complete rules below for details. I am focusing on the Long Range, because I scheduled more of them this year, and I expect that format to be the most "new shooter" friendly.

I would like to re-iterate that I am running these COF's to include new shooters as much as possible. We will continue to take time to help those who don't have much match experience or who have special physical needs. Any questions please just contact me about it.

"Handicaps" - the Long Range matches allow for certain rifle/optics/caliber types to have a competitive edge. There is nothing wrong with this at all, but I would like anybody with a basic 1MOA gun and reliable optic to be competitive, thus attracting and keeping new shooters. This also encourages those of you who are more experienced to push yourselves a little. I have not yet set the Handicap rules in concrete, but at this time I am considering rule on time limits for people who have scored higher than a certain threshold in a previous match (no, I will not make you shoot your 15lb rifle offhand). For instance, much like in the Military Silhouette everyone starts out the season on even footing. Then, those who score over 20 get squadded into a relay that only gets 2:00 minutes to fire, not 3:30. And so forth. I will find some way to make it hard on the experts, trust me. I might also draw "surprise" rules for the "A" class on different match days, after all, every day in the field is different, and them varmints be devious suckers. I am open for discussion, but by the end of the year let's have it figured out. Sound like fun?

Rests - I will continue to provide the use of the range sandbags for NEW shooters. However, I fully expect for the regulars to bring and make use of their own FIELD rests e.g. backpack or bi-pod. If I'm not using a bipod, I just have a backpack that I have set up for use as a prone rest - it works great. If you show up with a sandbag that you and I both know you would never pack up a ridge to setup with, then I might call you on it, LOUDLY! We aren't gaming here, we are applying practicality to shooting. The club has plenty of BR and prone LR events for that sort of thing. Just setting the rules in stone, since this is the first season for this COF.....

Timing - 5rd strings will be fired in 3:30 minutes, it seems like a lot of time until you factor in having to change lines of targets and adjust scopes or holdovers. Communication with your squad spotter is critical. New shooters are helped as much as possible to get familiar with the procedures, and I have been known to forget the clock for them if they are struggling at all. Alibis for malfunctions are currently allowed. These matches can run a long time, depending on how many shooters there are, and how the hit percentages are doing, so plan on being at the range until early afternoon at least.

Saturday 2/13 Long Range Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 3/13 Long Range Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 4/24 Walking Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 5/8 Long Range Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 7/10 Walking Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 8/28 Long Range Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 9/25 Long Range Varmint Silhouette
Saturday 10/23 Long Range Varmint Silhouette

All matches are held at the Washoe County Shooting Facility on Pyramid Lake Highway, on the far west Silhouette Range. Please be at the range no later than 8am for setup. Unless weather conditions are are prohibitive, we shoot even if there are snow flurries obscuring the target areas.

Get your gear together, ladies and gentlemen, it will be a very, very fun year.

Again, any questions, please contact me!

Official Rules and COF's Below

Long Range Varmint Silhouette

Basic Equipment

•Eye & ear protection.

•Scoped rifle, any centerfire caliber .17 to .338 ("heavy varmint" caliber or bullet weight recommended). NO ARMOR-PIERCING OR STEEL CORE AMMO IS ALLOWED, FULL METAL JACKET AMMO PLEASE SEE THE MATCH DIRECTOR FOR APPROVAL, if we see FMJ on the line we will inspect the ammo.

•Binoculars or spotting scope if available.

•40 rounds of ammunition for record, plus another 10-20 for sighters and potential shootoffs.

•Fee: $15 regular, $5 Juniors.

Be prepared to shoot at Varmints from 220 to 550 yards, and knock the animals down for score. We will help folks out with drop values and holdovers if they do not have an adjustable scope. We will make sure that everyone is sighted in before starting the match. The ideal caliber is a .243 or larger, but if you want to see what your .223 or .204 Ruger will knock over, feel free to bring them!

Course of Fire

• Each line of targets: Squirrel at 220 yards, Crow at 420 yards, Woodchuck at 420 yards, Rabbit at 550 yards, Coyote at 550 yards.

• Competitors will shoot 1 round at each target type during a 5-round string. Target order is called by a spotter. A Relay consists of (2) 5-round strings, each taking no more than 3:30 minutes, with a 1-minute rest period between strings. The animals will be shot in order from closest to farthest for the first string, and then from farthest to closest during the second string.

• All targets must be knocked off the stand to count as a hit. .223 is marginal on Coyotes, but works fine for all other animals.

General Rules

•This is a "long range varmint" oriented match. Approach it as you would setting up in the FIELD for long-range shots.

•All firing will be done single-load in the prone position, from a field rest of some type such as a backpack or bipod. Rear support is allowed, if it is clearly a piece of field gear (bean sock, etc). No mechanical rests or "benchrest" type equipment will be allowed. This match is still a simulation of setting up prone in the field!

•If you are not sure about your gear, just ask the Match Director to review it. For first-time shooters we will make front sandbags available. Generally speaking, equipment that would be used in the field is legal for use in the match.

•The ideal calibers for this are the .243 class and up, however people have shot this match successfully with everything from a .223 to a .300WM.

•Scheduling: refer to the main PVGC calendar for dates, please be at the range by 8:00am.

Walking Varmint Silhouette

Basic Equipment

•Eye & ear protection.

•Rifle, any centerfire caliber .17-or-larger ("varmint" caliber or bullet weight recommended), sling (attached at both ends), iron or scope sight. NO "AP" rounds, any FMJ please clarify with Match Director.

•Binoculars or spotting scope if available.

•40 rounds of ammunition, plus another 10-20 for sighters and potential shootoffs. Suggest previously zeroing rifle to strike one inch high at 100 yards, or, you may adjust sight as you wish.

•Fee: $15 regular, $5 Juniors.

Course of Fire

•Each line of Targets: Squirrel at 110 yards, Crow at 110 yards, Rabbit at 175 yards, Woodchuck at 175 yards, and Coyote at 210 yards.

•Shooter shoots one target of each type during a string, target order is called by a spotter. A relay consists of one shot at each of your five targets in a 3:15 minute period. Shoot four strings offhand, and four strings sitting.

•Scoring: one point for each target hit, target does not need to be knocked down. High scores for Overall, Standing, Sitting, and Junior are awarded.

Additional Rules

•This is a "walking varmint" oriented match. Generally speaking, equipment that would be used in the field is legal for use in the match.

•Slings may be used in both the standing and sitting positions: field, military, or tactical-type slings are OK, as long as you can get into it fast.

•No Highpower jackets, or other gear that you would not take for a walk in the fields, any questions simply clarify with the match director.

•The ideal calibers for this are the .223, .22-250, and .243 class, however people have shot this match successfully with everything from a .22 Hornet to a .308.

•Scheduling: refer to the main PVGC calendar for dates, please be at the range no later than 8:00am.
"Trend Number One is that people aren't getting any smarter."
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